Letter from the Publisher Fall 2020 Issue
Now more than ever, business, and life, is a team sport. None of us will get out of this without a lot of help from our friends, our family, our co-workers, our advertisers and our communities.
To all the writers, photographers, copy editors and designers who patiently waited to get paid for their work but still said let’s keep moving, how can I help Edible get back on track. To the advertisers who paid their invoices and are signing on again to continue as our ad partners. To all the readers who jumped onto our website and social media and sent us messages of positivity and love. To fellow Edible publishers and the whole Edible Community Incorporated, you are rock stars.
I am grateful, deeply grateful and honored to work with some of the best.
We are sharing with you this Harvest Issue, we hope it inspires you either in the kitchen, or to support our advertisers, or perhaps, it will feed a little of that wanderlust we are all experiencing.
As we move forward into this wonderful, willful new world of ours, let’s put aside the way things used to be and only carry the opportunities of the way things can be.
Warm Regards,
Mary Blair | Publisher