Sure, you can get cherry-topped sundaes at fancy restaurants, or offbeat locavore mash-ups at street-side stands. But will anyone ever really make a sundae as well as your mother did?
You remember those stolen summer afternoons, when sticky-fingered, you’d gather whatever tubs of ice cream are hiding under bags of frozen peas in your freezer, seek out the canisters of fudge and chocolate syrups from the back of the fridge, look for that bottle of sprinkles you remember seeing recently in the back of the spice cabinet.
You’re ready, but wait! Remembering a languishing bag of cookies or stale-ish bag of marshmallows in the pantry, you rush over to find those and grab a handful of jelly beans to throw in while you’re at it.
Recipes are in many ways anathema to the joy and whimsy of the sundae-building project. With that spirit in mind, consider the pair below, snagged from two of Edible’s best ice cream eating, chillaxed local bakers—who also happen to be moms—as guidelines, not marching orders.