We all know kale is good for us. Juicin' Jar and Healthy on Lark share their Kale Smoothie recipes with Edible Capital District, making eating kale as delicious as it is healthful.
Kale is the Lady Gaga of the cruciferous crew. It’s everywhere! On bumper stickers, T-shirts, in chip form. But the farmers’ market staple turned cultural signifier comes with a lot of baggage.
Kale is indubitably healthful: a low-calorie, high-fiber leaf brimming with vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. So good for you. It grows in tough climates. But naysayers (especially the pint-size ones) deride its bitter and earthy notes (“dat’s like swamp poop in my mouf”).
One is either pro- or anti-kale. There’s no gray area. But even the staunchest kale foes can be tempted with a cold-pressed juice, even when kale is the headlining performer. Because it’s juice!
We turned to two of Edible’s favorite resources for recipes because, after the holidays, we could all use a vitamin and mineral reboot. Cristina Laubenheimer, owner and head juicer at Glens Falls’ Juicin’ Jar, and Sharon Lastique, owner, head juicer and certified health coach at Albany’s Healthy on Lark, share their recipes for making haters hail to King Kale.